You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

311 lines
9.6 KiB

import * as t from "./tools"
import { HTTP } from "../server";
* 蓝牙工具类
* 封装小程序蓝牙流程方法
* 处理事件通信
class BLEHandler {
constructor(blename, emitter) {
this.blename = blename //厂家自定义的蓝牙设备名称
this.emitter = emitter
this.readCharacteristicId = ""; //能从硬件返回的信息中自动提取
this.writeCharacteristicId = "00002af1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"; //能从硬件返回的信息中自动提取
this.notifyCharacteristicId = "00002af0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"; //能从硬件返回的信息中自动提取
this.deviceId = ""; //蓝牙Mac地址
this.serviceId = "000018f0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb";//具体的serviceId要自己根据硬件提供设置。
this.receivePacket = [];
this.recPktLength = 0;
this.recPktOffset = 0;
async openAdapter() {
let [err, res] = await t._openAdapter.call(this);
if (err != null) {
this.emitter.emit("channel", {
type: "connect",
data: "未打开适配器"
return false;
return true
async startSearch() {
let [err, res] = await t._startSearch.call(this);
if (err != null) {
this.emitter.emit("channel", {
type: "connect",
data: "正在连接中..."
async onBluetoothFound() {
let [err, res] = await t._onBluetoothFound.call(this);
if (err != null) {
this.emitter.emit("channel", {
type: "connect",
data: "未找到设备"
return false;
return true
async getBluetoothDevices() {
let [err, res] = await t._getBluetoothDevices.call(this);
if (err != null) {
this.emitter.emit("channel", {
type: "connect",
data: "未找到设备"
return false;
return true
async stopSearchBluetooth() {
let [err, res] = await t._stopSearchBluetooth.call(this);
if (err != null) {
async connectBlue() {
let [err, res] = await t._connectBlue.call(this);
if (err != null) {
async setBLEMTU() {
let [err, res] = await t._setBLEMTU.call(this);
if (err != null) {
async getBLEServices() {
let [err, res] = await t._getBLEServices.call(this);
if (err != null) {
async getCharacteristics() {
let [err, res] = await t._getCharacteristics.call(this);
if (err != null) {
this.emitter.emit("channel", {
type: "connect",
data: "无法订阅特征值"
// 取消连接
wx.setStorageSync("bluestatus", "");
return false;
this.emitter.emit("channel", {
type: "connect",
data: "蓝牙已连接"
wx.setStorageSync("bluestatus", "on");
return true
async notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange() {
let [err, res] = await t._notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange.call(this);
if (err != null) {
async closeBLEConnection() {
let [err, res] = await t._closeBLEConnection.call(this);
if (err != null) {
async closeBLEAdapter() {
let [err, res] = await t._closeBLEAdapter.call(this);
if (err != null) {
async sentOrder(cmd, payload) {
let data = t._sentOrder(cmd, payload)
console.log("-- 发送数据:", data)
let arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(data).buffer;
let [err, res] = await t._writeBLECharacteristicValue.call(this, arrayBuffer)
if (err != null) {
return false
return true
// 打开蓝牙适配器状态监听
onBLEConnectionStateChange() {
wx.onBLEConnectionStateChange(res => {
// 该方法回调中可以用于处理连接意外断开等异常情况
if (!res.connected) {
wx.setStorageSync("bluestatus", "");
this.emitter.emit("channel", {
type: "connect",
data: "蓝牙已断开"
}, err => {
console.log('err', err)
// 收到设备推送的notification
onBLECharacteristicValueChange() {
wx.onBLECharacteristicValueChange(res => {
//let arrbf = new Uint8Array(res.value)
//if (this._checkData(arrbf)) {
let arrbf = new Uint8Array(res.value)
if (arrbf[0] == 0x89 && arrbf[1] == 0x89)
let dataLength = ((arrbf[10] << 8) & 0xff00) + (arrbf[11] & 0x00ff)
this.recPktLength = 13 + dataLength
this.receivePacket = new Uint8Array(this.recPktLength)
this.recPktOffset = 0
console.log("开始接收数据:length= " + arrbf.length + " data= " + arrbf)
this.receivePacket.set(arrbf, this.recPktOffset)
this.recPktOffset += arrbf.length;
if( this.recPktOffset == this.recPktLength){
console.log("继续接收数据:length= " + arrbf.length + " data= " + arrbf)
this.receivePacket.set(arrbf, this.recPktOffset)
this.recPktOffset += arrbf.length;
if( this.recPktOffset == this.recPktLength){
_uploadInfo(message) {
console.log("-- 准备数据同步!", this._mapToArray(message))
let bleorder = wx.getStorageSync("bleorder");
let blecabinet = wx.getStorageSync("blecabinet")
url: "cabinet/uploadBlueData",
methods: "post",
data: {
cabinetQrCode: blecabinet,
order: bleorder,
message: this._mapToArray(message)
}).then(res => {
console.log("✔ 数据同步成功!")
}, err => {
console.log('✘ 数据同步失败', err)
_mapToArray(arrbf) {
let arr = []
arrbf.map(item => {
return arr
// 校验数据正确性
_checkData(arrbf) {
let packetLen = arrbf.length;
console.log("接收数据:" + arrbf)
// 校验帧头帧尾
if (arrbf[0] != 0x89 || arrbf[1] != 0x89) {
return false
if (packetLen < 14) {
return false;
let dataLength = ((arrbf[10] << 8) & 0xff00) + (arrbf[11] & 0x00ff);
if (dataLength != (packetLen - 13)) {
let calLen = packetLen - 13;
console.log("✘ 数据长度错误: " + dataLength + " is not " + calLen);
return false;
let check = arrbf[0];
for (let i = 1; i < packetLen - 1; i++)
check ^= arrbf[i];
if (check != arrbf[packetLen - 1]) {
console.log("crc校验错误,请重发." + check);
return false;
console.log('✔ 数据校验成功,接收完整!')
return true
let packetLen = arrbf.length;
console.log("接收数据:" + arrbf)
// 校验帧头帧尾
if (arrbf[0] != 0x89 || arrbf[1] != 0x89) {
return [0];
if (packetLen < 14) {
return [0];
let dataLength = ((arrbf[10] << 8) & 0xff00) + (arrbf[11] & 0x00ff);
if (dataLength != (packetLen - 13)) {
let calLen = packetLen - 13;
console.log("✘ 数据长度错误: " + dataLength + " is not " + calLen);
return [0];
let check = arrbf[0];
for (let i = 1; i < packetLen - 1; i++)
check ^= arrbf[i];
if (check != arrbf[packetLen - 1]) {
console.log("crc校验错误,请重发." + check);
return [0];
key = arrbf[3];
let data_offset = 12;
let result = new Uint8Array(dataLength)
for (let i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
result[i] = arrbf[i + data_offset];
result[i] = (result[i] ^ (key ^ ((byte) i)));
result[i] += (dataLength - i) ^ key;
console.log('✔ 数据校验成功,接收完整! packet= ' + arrbf)
console.log('解密明文 result= ' + result)
return result;
export default BLEHandler