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1 year ago
  1. <!--pages/paymentInterface/paymentInterface.wxml-->
  2. <view class="paycontent">
  3. <view class="m-bottom">
  4. <!-- <view class="paycontentTop font-size-12">
  5. <view>已交费:4月</view>
  6. <view>房屋到期:{{leases.contractTime}}</view>
  7. </view> -->
  8. <!-- <view class="pa-2 box-shadow-eee">
  9. <view class="font-size-12 color-999 mb-1">总交费(¥)</view>
  10. <view class="font-size-24">{{leases.monthRent}} ¥</view>
  11. </view> -->
  12. <view class="mt-2 mb-2 box-shadow-eee">
  13. <!-- <view class="title ma-2">付款人信息</view> -->
  14. <van-cell-group>
  15. <van-cell title="账单时间" value="{{leases.dueDate}}" />
  16. <van-cell title="地址" value="{{leases.address}}" />
  17. <van-cell title="账单类型" value="房租账单" />
  18. <van-cell title="合同期限" value="{{leases.timePeriod}}" />
  19. <van-cell title="支付类型" value="微信支付" />
  20. <van-cell title="姓名" value="{{}}" />
  21. <van-cell title="手机号" value="{{}}" />
  22. <van-cell title="房屋租金" value="{{leases.monthRent}}" />
  23. </van-cell-group>
  24. </view>
  25. <!-- <view class="mt-2 mb-2 box-shadow-eee">
  26. <view class="title ma-2">支付方式</view>
  27. <van-radio-group value="{{ radio }}" bind:change="onChange">
  28. <van-cell-group>
  29. <van-cell title="微信" clickable data-name="0" bind:click="onClick">
  30. <van-radio slot="right-icon" name="0" />
  31. </van-cell>
  32. <van-cell title="支付宝" clickable data-name="1" wx:if="{{type == 1}}" bind:click="onClick">
  33. <van-radio slot="right-icon" name="1" />
  34. </van-cell>
  35. <van-cell title="现金" clickable data-name="2" wx:if="{{type == 1}}" bind:click="onClick">
  36. <van-radio slot="right-icon" name="2"/>
  37. </van-cell>
  38. <van-cell title="银联支付" clickable data-name="3" wx:if="{{type == 1}}" bind:click="onClick">
  39. <van-radio slot="right-icon" name="3" />
  40. </van-cell>
  41. </van-cell-group>
  42. </van-radio-group>
  43. </view> -->
  44. </view>
  45. <view class="bottomContent">
  46. <view class="textCenter">{{leases.monthRent}} ¥ / 月</view>
  47. <view><van-button type="primary" block bind:click="payMentMethods">确认付款</van-button></view>
  48. </view>
  49. </view>