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1 year ago
  1. <!--pagesA/activatePayment/activatePayment.wxml-->
  2. <view wx:if="{{ step === 0 }}" class="bg-5295fd">
  3. <image src="" class="width-percentage-100" mode="widthFix"></image>
  4. <view class="position-absolute bg-fff step-button border-radios-10 button-color-fff">
  5. <van-button type="info" block bindtap="stepMethods" data-step="1">下一步</van-button>
  6. </view>
  7. </view>
  8. <view wx:elif="{{ step == 1 }}">
  9. <view class="data-list">
  10. <view class="data-content bg-fff">
  11. <view class="data-content-y">
  12. <view class="font-size-14 color-333">请准备好以下资料进行开通:</view>
  13. </view>
  14. </view>
  15. <view class="position-absolute bg-fff step-button border-radios-10">
  16. <van-button type="info" block bindtap="stepMethods" data-step="2">已准备好资料</van-button>
  17. </view>
  18. </view>
  19. </view>
  20. <view wx:elif="{{ step == 2 }}">
  21. <view class="bg-page">
  22. <view class="topSetps">
  23. <view class="">
  24. <view class="setps pa-2">
  25. <view class="setp setp-num d-flex text-center">
  26. <view class="num color-02BFFF">1</view>
  27. <view class="ling"></view>
  28. <view class="num color-02BFFF">2</view>
  29. <view class="ling"></view>
  30. <view class="num color-02BFFF">3</view>
  31. <view class="ling"></view>
  32. <view class="num color-02BFFF">4</view>
  33. <view class="ling"></view>
  34. <view class="num color-02BFFF">5</view>
  35. </view>
  36. <view class="setp setp-text d-flex text-center">
  37. <view class="color-fff setp-text font-size-12">证件信息</view>
  38. <view class="color-fff setp-text font-size-12">开户行信息</view>
  39. <view class="color-fff setp-text font-size-12">经营信息</view>
  40. <view class="color-fff setp-text font-size-12">信息审核</view>
  41. <view class="color-fff setp-text font-size-12">实名认证</view>
  42. </view>
  43. </view>
  44. </view>
  45. <view class="organization font-size-12">
  46. <view class="d-flex flex-wrap-no">
  47. <view class="li {{activeIndex == index?'active pb-0':''}} pa-2 text-center" wx:for="{{ organizationList }}" wx:key="index" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="selectActive">
  48. <view wx:if="{{ item.children && activeIndex == index }}" class="personal-list d-flex justify-content-center height-percentage-100">
  49. <view class="d-inline-block font-size-12 personal-li position-relative {{index1 === 0?'view-after':''}} {{index1 === setIndex?'border-bottom color-02BFFF':''}}" data-personIndex="{{index1}}" catchtap="setPersonIndex" wx:for="{{ item.list }}" wx:for-item="it" wx:key="index" wx:for-index="index1">{{it.text}}</view>
  50. </view>
  51. <view class="personal" wx:else="{{ activeIndex == index}}">
  52. <view class="text-center">
  53. <view><icon class="iconfont {{item.icon}} color-333 font-size-28"></icon></view>
  54. </view>
  55. <view class="d-inline-block font-size-12">{{item.text}}</view>
  56. </view>
  57. </view>
  58. </view>
  59. </view>
  60. </view>
  61. <view class="bg-Identity">
  62. <view class="bg-fff min-height-375">
  63. <view class="pa-2" wx:if="{{ activeIndex === 0 && setIndex === 0 }}">
  64. <view class="person-title font-size-14 font-weight-600 color-333 mt-2">收款人证件信息<view class="font-size-12 color-999 d-inline-block font-weight-400">(大陆)</view></view>
  65. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  66. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  67. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.IdentityImg }}" data-name="IdentityImg" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  68. </view>
  69. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  70. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.IdentityImgBack }}" data-name="IdentityImgBack" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  71. </view>
  72. </view>
  73. </view>
  74. <view class="pa-2" wx:if="{{ activeIndex === 0 && setIndex === 1 }}">
  75. <view class="person-title font-size-14 font-weight-600 color-333 mt-2">收款人证件信息<view class="font-size-12 color-999 d-inline-block font-weight-400">(大陆)</view></view>
  76. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  77. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  78. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.IndividualBusiness }}" data-name="IndividualBusiness" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  79. </view>
  80. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  81. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.IndividualBusinessBack }}" data-name="IndividualBusinessBack" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  82. </view>
  83. </view>
  84. <view class="person-title font-size-14 mt-2 font-weight-600 color-333">联系人证件信息</view>
  85. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  86. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  87. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.contacts }}" data-name="contacts" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  88. </view>
  89. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  90. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.contactsBack }}" data-name="contactsBack" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  91. </view>
  92. </view>
  93. </view>
  94. <view class="pa-2" wx:if="{{ activeIndex === 1 }}">
  95. <view class="person-title font-size-14 font-weight-600 color-333 mt-2">法人证件信息<view class="font-size-12 color-999 d-inline-block font-weight-400">(大陆)</view></view>
  96. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  97. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  98. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.LegalPerson }}" data-name="LegalPerson" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  99. </view>
  100. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  101. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.LegalPersonBack }}" data-name="LegalPersonBack" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  102. </view>
  103. </view>
  104. <view class="person-title font-size-14 mt-2 font-weight-600 color-333">联系人证件信息</view>
  105. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  106. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  107. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.contacts }}" data-name="contacts" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  108. </view>
  109. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  110. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.contactsBack }}" data-name="contactsBack" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  111. </view>
  112. </view>
  113. </view>
  114. <view class="pa-2" wx:if="{{ (setIndex === 0 && activeIndex === 2) || (setIndex === 1 && activeIndex === 2) || activeIndex === 3 }}">
  115. <view class="person-title font-size-14 font-weight-600 color-333 mt-2">负责人证件信息<view class="font-size-12 color-999 d-inline-block font-weight-400">(大陆)</view></view>
  116. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  117. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  118. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.LegalPerson }}" data-name="LegalPerson" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  119. </view>
  120. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  121. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.LegalPersonBack }}" data-name="LegalPersonBack" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  122. </view>
  123. </view>
  124. <view class="person-title font-size-14 mt-2 font-weight-600 color-333">联系人证件信息</view>
  125. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  126. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  127. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.contacts }}" data-name="contacts" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  128. </view>
  129. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  130. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.contactsBack }}" data-name="contactsBack" info="{{ pictureText.IdentityInfo }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  131. </view>
  132. </view>
  133. </view>
  134. <view class=" pa-2 mt-2 person-title font-size-12 color-999 d-flex justify-content-between"><view>请确保证件边框完整、字体清晰、亮度均匀。</view><view class="font-size-12 color-02BFFF">示例</view></view>
  135. <view class="d-flex pb-2 flex-wrap-no">
  136. <view class="text-center mx-1 w-25 mt-2">
  137. <image src="" mode="widthFix"></image>
  138. <view class="font-size-12 color-999"><van-icon name="passed" color="#02BFFF" size="14" />标准拍摄</view>
  139. </view>
  140. <view class="text-center mx-1 w-25 mt-2">
  141. <image src="" mode="widthFix"></image>
  142. <view class="font-size-12 color-999"><van-icon name="close" color="red" size="14" />边框缺失</view>
  143. </view>
  144. <view class="text-center mx-1 w-25 mt-2">
  145. <image src="" mode="widthFix"></image>
  146. <view class="font-size-12 color-999"><van-icon name="close" color="red" size="14" />照片模糊</view>
  147. </view>
  148. <view class="text-center mx-1 w-25 mt-2">
  149. <image src="" mode="widthFix"></image>
  150. <view class="font-size-12 color-999"><van-icon name="close" color="red" size="14" />闪光强度</view>
  151. </view>
  152. </view>
  153. <view class="pa-2 border-top-gray" wx:if="{{ (setIndex === 0 && activeIndex === 2) || (setIndex === 1 && activeIndex === 2) || activeIndex === 3 }}">
  154. <view class=" pa-2 mt-2 person-title font-size-14 color-333 font-weight-600 d-flex justify-content-between"><view>登记证书类型</view><view class="font-size-12 color-999 font-weight-400">事业单位法人证书</view></view>
  155. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  156. <view class="width-percentage-100 position-relative">
  157. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.RegistrationCertificate }}" data-name="RegistrationCertificate" info="{{ pictureText.RegistrationCertificate }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  158. </view>
  159. </view>
  160. </view>
  161. <view class="pa-2 border-top-gray" wx:if="{{ (setIndex === 0 && activeIndex === 2) || (setIndex === 1 && activeIndex === 2) || activeIndex === 3 }}">
  162. <view class="mt-2 person-title font-size-14 color-333 font-weight-600 d-flex justify-content-between"><view>单位证明函</view></view>
  163. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  164. <view class="width-percentage-100 position-relative">
  165. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.UnitCertificationLetter }}" data-name="UnitCertificationLetter" info="{{ pictureText.UnitCertificationLetter }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  166. </view>
  167. <view class="width-percentage-100 position-relative">
  168. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.UnitCertificationLetterOne }}" data-name="UnitCertificationLetterOne" info="{{ pictureText.UnitCertificationLetterOne }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  169. </view>
  170. </view>
  171. </view>
  172. <view class="pa-2 border-top-gray" wx:if="{{ (setIndex === 0 && activeIndex === 2) || (setIndex === 1 && activeIndex === 2) || activeIndex === 3 }}">
  173. <view class="mt-2 person-title font-size-14 color-333 font-weight-600 d-flex justify-content-between"><view>特殊资质要求</view></view>
  174. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  175. <view class="width-percentage-100 position-relative">
  176. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.SpecialQualificationRequirements }}" data-name="SpecialQualificationRequirements" info="{{ pictureText.SpecialQualificationRequirements }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  177. </view>
  178. </view>
  179. </view>
  180. <view class="pa-2 border-top-gray" wx:if="{{ (activeIndex === 0 && setIndex === 1 ) || activeIndex === 1 }}">
  181. <view class="person-title font-size-14 mt-2 font-weight-600 color-333">营业执照信息</view>
  182. <view class="d-flex idCard mt-2 text-center">
  183. <view class="w-50 position-relative">
  184. <Uploader fileList="{{ fileList.BusinessLicense }}" data-name="BusinessLicense" info="{{ pictureText.BusinessLicense }}" bind:afterRead="afterRead" bind:deleteImg="deleteImg" />
  185. </view>
  186. </view>
  187. </view>
  188. </view>
  189. </view>
  190. <view class="position-fixed border-radios-10 next-step-button">
  191. <van-button type="info" block bindtap="stepMethods" data-step="1">下一步</van-button>
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  195. <van-popup show="{{ show }}" bind:close="onClose" round class="popup-content pa-2" custom-style="width:80%;padding:15px;border-radios:15px;overflow:hidden;">
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  198. 本次绑卡页面收集的银行卡、身份证、店面信息将提交给第三方支付公司以及银行开通支付及业务收款结算功能,如您不同意我们对此类信息的收集,您将无法使用前述功能。
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