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1 year ago
  1. <!--pages/rentManagement/rentManagement.wxml-->
  2. <view class="d-fixed">
  3. <van-field value="{{selectRoomName}}" label="房源选择" disabled placeholder="请选择房源" bind:click-input="selectRoomMethods">
  4. <van-button slot="button" size="mini" type="primary" bindtap="clearSelect">
  5. 清空
  6. </van-button>
  7. </van-field>
  8. <van-search value="{{ searchValue }}" placeholder="请输入租客名称" use-action-slot bind:change="onChange">
  9. <view slot="action" bind:tap="onClick">搜索</view>
  10. </van-search>
  11. </view>
  12. <view class="loglist">
  13. <view wx:for="{{list}}" :key="index" class="box" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
  14. <van-cell-group>
  15. <van-cell title="租客:" value="{{}}" />
  16. <van-cell title="电话:" value="{{}}" />
  17. <van-cell title="地址:" value="{{item.address}}" />
  18. <van-cell title="租金:" value="{{item.monthRent}}" />
  19. <van-cell title="合约状态:" value="{{item.status===0?'待签约':item.status===1?'已签约':item.status===2?'已欠费':item.status===3?'已退租':item.status===4?'已删除':item.status===5?'已到期':'未知'}}" />
  20. <van-cell title="签约时间:" value="{{item.signingTime}}" />
  21. <van-cell title="到期时间:" value="{{item.contractTime}}" />
  22. <van-cell title="操作:" wx:if="{{item.status == 1 ||item.status == 2 }}">
  23. <van-button slot="right-icon" type="primary" round size="mini" bindtap="rentMethods" data-item="{{item}}">去交租</van-button>
  24. </van-cell>
  25. </van-cell-group>
  26. </view>
  27. </view>
  28. <van-dialog
  29. use-slot
  30. title="支付方式"
  31. show="{{ show }}"
  32. show-cancel-button
  33. bind:close="onClose"
  34. bind:confirm="confirmMethods"
  35. >
  36. <van-radio-group value="{{ radio }}" bind:change="onChangeRadio" class="groupRadio">
  37. <van-radio name="2" class="radioView">现金</van-radio>
  38. <van-radio name="3" class="radioView">刷卡</van-radio>
  39. <van-radio name="0" class="radioView">微信支付</van-radio>
  40. </van-radio-group>
  41. </van-dialog>
  42. <van-popup show="{{ showOne }}" bind:close="onCloseOne" position="bottom" custom-style="height: 60%">
  43. <tree
  44. dataTree="{{dataList}}"
  45. selectKey="{{selectKey}}"
  46. bind:select="handleSelect"
  47. isSelectLastNode="true"
  48. isOpenAll="{{false}}"
  49. ></tree>
  50. </van-popup>