You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
820 B

<wxs src="../wxs/utils.wxs" module="utils" />
<wxs src="./index.wxs" module="computed" />
wx:if="{{ overlay }}"
show="{{ show }}"
z-index="{{ zIndex }}"
custom-style="{{ overlayStyle }}"
duration="{{ duration }}"
lock-scroll="{{ lockScroll }}"
wx:if="{{ inited }}"
class="custom-class {{ classes }} {{ utils.bem('popup', [position, { round, safe: safeAreaInsetBottom, safeTop: safeAreaInsetTop }]) }}"
style="{{ computed.popupStyle({ zIndex, currentDuration, display, customStyle }) }}"
<slot />
wx:if="{{ closeable }}"
name="{{ closeIcon }}"
class="close-icon-class van-popup__close-icon van-popup__close-icon--{{ closeIconPosition }}"