You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1021 B

wx:if="{{ mask || forbidClick }}"
show="{{ show }}"
z-index="{{ zIndex }}"
custom-style="{{ mask ? '' : 'background-color: transparent;' }}"
show="{{ show }}"
custom-style="z-index: {{ zIndex }}"
class="van-toast van-toast--{{ type === 'icon' ? 'icon' : 'text' }} van-toast--{{ position }}"
<!-- text only -->
<text wx:if="{{ type === 'text' }}">{{ message }}</text>
<!-- html only -->
<rich-text wx:elif="{{ type === 'html' }}" nodes="{{ message }}"></rich-text>
<!-- with icon -->
<block wx:else>
wx:if="{{ type === 'loading' }}"
type="{{ loadingType }}"
<van-icon wx:else class="van-toast__icon" name="{{ type }}" />
<text wx:if="{{ message }}" class="van-toast__text">{{ message }}</text>
<slot />