You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
992 B

<wxs src="../wxs/utils.wxs" module="utils" />
<wxs src="./index.wxs" module="computed" />
style="{{ computed.rootStyle({ width, height, radius }) }}"
class="custom-class {{ utils.bem('image', { round })}}"
wx:if="{{ !error }}"
src="{{ src }}"
mode="{{ computed.mode(fit) }}"
lazy-load="{{ lazyLoad }}"
class="image-class van-image__img"
show-menu-by-longpress="{{ showMenuByLongpress }}"
wx:if="{{ loading && showLoading }}"
class="loading-class van-image__loading"
<slot wx:if="{{ useLoadingSlot }}" name="loading" />
<van-icon wx:else name="photo" custom-class="van-image__loading-icon" />
wx:if="{{ error && showError }}"
class="error-class van-image__error"
<slot wx:if="{{ useErrorSlot }}" name="error" />
<van-icon wx:else name="photo-fail" custom-class="van-image__error-icon" />