You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.8 KiB

<wxs src="../wxs/utils.wxs" module="utils" />
<view class="custom-class {{ utils.bem('steps', [direction]) }}">
<view class="van-step__wrapper">
wx:for="{{ steps }}"
data-index="{{ index }}"
class="{{ utils.bem('step', [direction, status(index, active)]) }} van-hairline"
style="{{ status(index, active) === 'inactive' ? 'color: ' + inactiveColor: '' }}"
<view class="van-step__title" style="{{ index === active ? 'color: ' + activeColor : '' }}">
<view>{{ item.text }}</view>
<view class="desc-class">{{ item.desc }}</view>
<view class="van-step__circle-container">
<block wx:if="{{ index !== active }}">
wx:if="{{ item.inactiveIcon || inactiveIcon }}"
color="{{ status(index, active) === 'inactive' ? inactiveColor: activeColor }}"
name="{{ item.inactiveIcon || inactiveIcon }}"
style="{{ 'background-color: ' + (index < active ? activeColor : inactiveColor) }}"
<van-icon wx:else name="{{ item.activeIcon || activeIcon }}" color="{{ activeColor }}" custom-class="van-step__icon" />
wx:if="{{ index !== steps.length - 1 }}"
class="van-step__line" style="{{ 'background-color: ' + (index < active ? activeColor : inactiveColor) }}"
<wxs module="status">
function get(index, active) {
if (index < active) {
return 'finish';
} else if (index === active) {
return 'process';
return 'inactive';
module.exports = get;