You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

46 lines
2.3 KiB

module.exports = (function() {
var __MODS__ = {};
var __DEFINE__ = function(modId, func, req) { var m = { exports: {}, _tempexports: {} }; __MODS__[modId] = { status: 0, func: func, req: req, m: m }; };
var __REQUIRE__ = function(modId, source) { if(!__MODS__[modId]) return require(source); if(!__MODS__[modId].status) { var m = __MODS__[modId].m; m._exports = m._tempexports; var desp = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, "exports"); if (desp && desp.configurable) Object.defineProperty(m, "exports", { set: function (val) { if(typeof val === "object" && val !== m._exports) { m._exports.__proto__ = val.__proto__; Object.keys(val).forEach(function (k) { m._exports[k] = val[k]; }); } m._tempexports = val }, get: function () { return m._tempexports; } }); __MODS__[modId].status = 1; __MODS__[modId].func(__MODS__[modId].req, m, m.exports); } return __MODS__[modId].m.exports; };
var __REQUIRE_WILDCARD__ = function(obj) { if(obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if(obj != null) { for(var k in obj) { if (, k)) newObj[k] = obj[k]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } };
var __REQUIRE_DEFAULT__ = function(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj.default : obj; };
__DEFINE__(1679542505535, function(require, module, exports) {
var charenc = {
// UTF-8 encoding
utf8: {
// Convert a string to a byte array
stringToBytes: function(str) {
return charenc.bin.stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
// Convert a byte array to a string
bytesToString: function(bytes) {
return decodeURIComponent(escape(charenc.bin.bytesToString(bytes)));
// Binary encoding
bin: {
// Convert a string to a byte array
stringToBytes: function(str) {
for (var bytes = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
return bytes;
// Convert a byte array to a string
bytesToString: function(bytes) {
for (var str = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
return str.join('');
module.exports = charenc;
}, function(modId) {var map = {}; return __REQUIRE__(map[modId], modId); })
return __REQUIRE__(1679542505535);