- webpackJsonp([34],{
- /***/ "EsnQ":
- /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true });
- // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify.js
- var stringify = __webpack_require__("mvHQ");
- var stringify_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(stringify);
- // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/api/index.js + 5 modules
- var api = __webpack_require__("gyMJ");
- // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/utils/index.js
- var utils = __webpack_require__("0xDb");
- // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/utils/util.js
- var util = __webpack_require__("oFuF");
- // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/moment/moment.js
- var moment = __webpack_require__("PJh5");
- var moment_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(moment);
- // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/views/VoucherList.vue
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- /* harmony default export */ var VoucherList = ({
- inject: ['reload'],
- name: "VoucherList",
- data: function data() {
- return {
- userNameSearch: '',
- deviceNumSearch: '',
- selectVoucherStatus: '',
- voucherStatusList: [{ label: '下发中', value: '0' }, { label: '下发成功', value: '1' }, { label: '发送失败', value: '702' }, { label: '已作废', value: '703' }],
- selectoption: [],
- selectoptionValue: '',
- tableData: [],
- currentPage: 1,
- total: 0,
- form: {
- password: "",
- password1: ""
- },
- row: {},
- index: 0,
- startdate: "",
- documentType1: "",
- certificatestatus: false,
- enddate: "",
- editVisiblelist: false,
- certificatesContent: {
- pzname: ""
- },
- dialogImageUrl: "",
- modifyStatus: true,
- multipleSelection: [],
- modifyvalue2: [],
- dialogVisible: false,
- modifyrow: {},
- cardId: "",
- pageSize: 10,
- selectVcalue: '',
- options: [{
- value: '26',
- label: '锁用户'
- }, {
- value: '0',
- label: '人脸'
- }, {
- value: '1',
- label: '指纹'
- }, {
- value: '2',
- label: '身份证'
- }, {
- value: '3',
- label: 'NFC'
- }, {
- value: '4',
- label: '密码'
- }],
- cardList: [],
- userInfo: {
- type: ''
- },
- AboutDevice: []
- };
- },
- created: function created() {
- // 获取凭证列表/v1/device/certificate/list
- // var tenantId = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tenantId'))
- // if (tenantId == 400) {
- // this.$store.commit('defaultsettenantid')
- // }
- this.userInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('info'));
- this.$store.commit('getCardname');
- this.cardList = this.$store.state.cartList;
- this.getcertificate();
- // this.selectoption=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('selectoption'))
- // this.selectoptionValue=localStorage.getItem('tenantId')
- },
- methods: {
- selectTenantId: function selectTenantId(e) {
- localStorage.setItem('tenantId', e);
- this.reload();
- },
- // 搜索
- serach: function serach() {
- var _this = this;
- var data = {};
- if (this.deviceNumSearch == "") {
- this.$refs.pagination.internalCurrentPage = 1;
- data = {
- pageNum: 1,
- pageSize: this.pageSize,
- q: stringify_default()({
- type: this.selectVcalue,
- status: this.selectVoucherStatus,
- name: this.userNameSearch,
- types: "0,1,2,3,4,26"
- }),
- orderBy: "create_at desc"
- };
- } else {
- data = {
- pageNum: 1,
- pageSize: this.pageSize,
- q: stringify_default()({
- deviceNum: this.deviceNumSearch,
- type: this.selectVcalue,
- status: this.selectVoucherStatus,
- types: "0,1,2,3,4,26"
- }),
- orderBy: "create_at desc"
- };
- }
- Object(api["d" /* httpGet */])(data, this.$api.getCertificates).then(function (res) {
- var dataOne = util["a" /* default */].zlib_unzip(res.data);
- dataOne.map(function (li) {
- li.createAt = _this.time(+new Date(li.createAt));
- li.userTelephone = JSON.parse(li.content).userTelephone;
- li['pzname'] = JSON.parse(li.content).pzname;
- // var cardli = this.cardList.filter((item) => item.id == li.cardId)
- // if (cardli.length == 0) {
- // li['cardName'] = ''
- // } else {
- // li['cardName'] = cardli[0].name
- // }
- li['statusText'] = util["a" /* default */].statusCode(li.status);
- li['startTimeText'] = util["a" /* default */].formatTime(li.startTime);
- li['endTimeText'] = util["a" /* default */].formatTime(li.endTime);
- li.roomName = JSON.parse(li.content).roomName || "";
- if (li.type == 36) {
- li['deviceNum'] = JSON.parse(li.content).deviceNum;
- }
- });
- _this.tableData = dataOne;
- _this.total = res.data.total;
- });
- },
- // input视图刷新
- changesr: function changesr(e) {
- this.$forceUpdate();
- },
- // 修改凭证
- modifyCraiFun: function modifyCraiFun() {
- var _this2 = this;
- var that = this;
- var row = this.modifyrow;
- var ids = this.roomtable;
- var content = JSON.parse(row.content);
- this.documentType1 = row.type;
- var data = {};
- var userTelephone = content.userTelephone;
- var userPassword = content.userPassword;
- var startTime = new Date(this.modifyvalue2[0]).getTime() / 1000;
- var endTime = new Date(this.modifyvalue2[1]).getTime() / 1000;
- Object(utils["i" /* modifyCraiAllFun */])(row, this.modifyvalue2, this.certificatesContent, function (data) {
- if (data.success) {
- var updatedata = {
- id: row.id,
- serial: data.data.serialNumber,
- startTime: startTime,
- endTime: endTime,
- status: 0
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(updatedata, that.$api.updateCertificates).then(function (res2) {
- if (res2.success) {
- that.getcertificate();
- that.certificatestatus = false;
- }
- });
- that.$message.success("修改成功");
- } else {
- that.$message.error("修改失败");
- }
- });
- return;
- if (row.type == 1) {
- this.getfiId(row, function (data) {
- if (data.length > 0) {
- var fpid = "";
- fpid = data[0].face.toString(16).length != 2 ? "0" + data[0].face.toString(16) : data[0].face.toString(16);
- var str = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- pzname: that.certificatesContent.pzname,
- cardId: row.cardId,
- password: fpid,
- operateMode: 17,
- order: 6217,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- passwordStartTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(that.modifyvalue2[0]),
- passwordEndTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(that.modifyvalue2[1]),
- is: false
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(str, that.$api.getDeviceOperateUserInfo).then(function (res1) {
- if (res1.success) {
- content.passwordStartTime = str.passwordStartTime;
- content.passwordEndTime = str.passwordEndTime;
- content.pzname = str.pzname;
- var updatedata = {
- id: row.id,
- content: stringify_default()(content),
- serial: res1.data.serialNumber,
- status: 0
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(updatedata, that.$api.updateCertificates).then(function (res2) {
- that.certificatestatus = false;
- that.getcertificate();
- that.$message.success("修改成功");
- });
- } else {
- that.certificatestatus = false;
- that.getcertificate();
- that.$message.success("修改失败");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- return false;
- } else if (row.type == 2) {
- var arr2 = Object(utils["d" /* dec2hex */])(this.certificatesContent.idcard);
- data = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- pzname: this.certificatesContent.pzname,
- cardId: row.cardId,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- password: arr2.toUpperCase(),
- operateMode: 14,
- order: 6214,
- passwordStartTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(this.modifyvalue2[0]),
- passwordEndTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(this.modifyvalue2[1]),
- is: false
- };
- if (arr2 == "") {
- this.$message.error("请填写完整信息");
- return false;
- }
- } else if (row.type == 3) {
- var array3 = Object(utils["d" /* dec2hex */])(this.certificatesContent.nfc);
- var arr4 = Object(utils["h" /* group */])(array3, 2).reverse();
- var nfc = "";
- arr4.map(function (li) {
- nfc += li;
- });
- data = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- pzname: this.certificatesContent.pzname,
- cardId: row.cardId,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- password: arr4.toUpperCase(),
- operateMode: 11,
- order: 6211,
- passwordStartTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(this.modifyvalue2[0]),
- passwordEndTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(this.modifyvalue2[1]),
- is: false
- };
- if (arr4 == "") {
- this.$message.error("请填写完整信息");
- return false;
- }
- } else if (row.type == 4) {
- data = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- pzname: this.certificatesContent.pzname,
- cardId: row.cardId,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- password: this.certificatesContent.password,
- operateMode: 8,
- order: 6208,
- passwordStartTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(this.modifyvalue2[0]),
- passwordEndTime: Object(utils["m" /* timestampToTime */])(this.modifyvalue2[1]),
- is: false
- };
- if (this.certificatesContent.password == "") {
- this.$message.error("请填写完整信息");
- return false;
- }
- }
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(data, this.$api.getDeviceOperateUserInfo).then(function (res) {
- if (res.success) {
- var updatedata = {
- id: row.id,
- content: stringify_default()(data),
- serial: res.data.serialNumber,
- status: 0
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(updatedata, _this2.$api.updateCertificates).then(function (res2) {
- if (res2.success) {
- _this2.getcertificate();
- _this2.certificatestatus = false;
- }
- });
- _this2.$message.success("修改成功");
- }
- });
- },
- modifyCrai: function modifyCrai(index, row) {
- var that = this;
- this.getItems(row.imei, function (data) {
- console.log(data);
- if (data.list.length > 0) {
- if (data.list[0].manufactureId == 201 || data.list[0].manufactureId == 221) {
- that.modifyrow = row;
- var content = JSON.parse(row.content);
- that.documentType1 = row.type;
- that.certificatesContent.username = content.username;
- that.certificatesContent.pzname = content.pzname;
- that.certificatesContent.password = content.password;
- var passwordStartTime = moment_default()(row.startTime * 1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
- var passwordEndTime = moment_default()(row.endTime * 1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
- that.modifyStatus = false;
- that.$nextTick(function () {
- that.modifyvalue2[0] = passwordStartTime;
- that.modifyvalue2[1] = passwordEndTime;
- that.modifyStatus = true;
- });
- that.certificatestatus = true;
- } else if (data.list[0].manufactureId == 101) {
- that.modifyrow = row;
- var content = JSON.parse(row.content);
- that.documentType1 = row.type;
- that.certificatesContent.username = content.username;
- that.certificatesContent.pzname = content.pzname;
- that.certificatesContent.password = content.password;
- if (content.passwordStartTime && content.passwordEndTime) {
- var passwordStartTime = that.insertStr(content.passwordStartTime, "-");
- var passwordEndTime = that.insertStr(content.passwordEndTime, "-");
- }
- that.modifyStatus = false;
- that.$nextTick(function () {
- that.modifyvalue2[0] = passwordStartTime;
- that.modifyvalue2[1] = passwordEndTime;
- that.modifyStatus = true;
- });
- that.certificatestatus = true;
- }
- } else {
- that.$message.error('未发现对应设备');
- }
- });
- },
- getItems: function getItems(imei, callback) {
- var _this3 = this;
- var data = {
- q: stringify_default()({
- imei: imei,
- lockType: 1
- }),
- pageNum: 0,
- pageSize: 0
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(data, this.$api.getDeviceItems).then(function (res) {
- if (res.success) {
- callback(res.data);
- } else {
- _this3.$message.error("查询设备失败");
- }
- });
- },
- insertStr: function insertStr(soure, newStr) {
- return soure.slice(0, 4) + newStr + soure.slice(4, 6) + newStr + soure.slice(6, 8) + " " + soure.slice(8, 10) + ":" + soure.slice(10, 12) + ":" + soure.slice(12, 14);
- },
- // 下发凭证
- Issue: function Issue(index, row) {
- var _this4 = this;
- var data = {};
- var userTelephone = JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone;
- var userPassword = JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword;
- var passwordEndTime = JSON.parse(row.content).passwordEndTime;
- var passwordStartTime = JSON.parse(row.content).passwordStartTime;
- if (row.type == 1) {
- var fpId = new Date();
- var fingerprint = JSON.parse(row.content).fingerprint;
- var str = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- length: fingerprint.length / 2,
- fpTimeId: fpId.getTime(),
- operateMode: 16,
- order: 6216,
- fingerprint: fingerprint,
- passwordStartTime: passwordStartTime,
- passwordEndTime: passwordEndTime
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(str, this.$api.fingerprintTransfer).then(function (res1) {
- if (res1.success) {
- var str1 = JSON.parse(row.content);
- str1.fpTimeId = str.fpTimeId;
- var updatedata = {
- id: row.id,
- content: stringify_default()(str1),
- serial: res1.data.serialNumber
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(updatedata, _this4.$api.updateCertificates).then(function (res2) {});
- _this4.$message.success("下发成功");
- } else {
- _this4.$message.error("下发失败");
- }
- });
- this.$message.success("操作成功");
- return false;
- } else if (row.type == 2) {
- data = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- cardId: row.cardId,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- operateMode: 13,
- order: 6213,
- passwordStartTime: passwordStartTime,
- passwordEndTime: passwordEndTime,
- is: false
- };
- } else if (row.type == 3) {
- data = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- cardId: row.cardId,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- operateMode: 10,
- order: 6210,
- passwordStartTime: passwordStartTime,
- passwordEndTime: passwordEndTime,
- is: false
- };
- } else if (row.type == 4) {
- data = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: userTelephone,
- cardId: row.cardId,
- userPassword: userPassword,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- operateMode: 7,
- order: 6207,
- passwordStartTime: passwordStartTime,
- passwordEndTime: passwordEndTime,
- is: false
- };
- }
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(data, this.$api.getDeviceOperateUserInfo).then(function (res) {
- if (res.success) {
- var updatedata = {
- id: row.id,
- serial: res.data.serialNumber
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(updatedata, _this4.$api.updateCertificates).then(function (res) {});
- _this4.$message.success("下发成功");
- } else {
- _this4.$message.error("下发失败");
- }
- });
- },
- // 时间处理
- time: function time() {
- var time = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : +new Date();
- var date = new Date(time + 8 * 3600 * 1000); // 增加8小时
- return date.toJSON().substr(0, 19).replace("T", " ");
- },
- // 凭证列表获取
- getcertificate: function getcertificate() {
- var _this5 = this;
- var data = {
- pageNum: this.currentPage,
- pageSize: this.pageSize,
- // orderType: "desc",
- orderBy: "create_at desc",
- q: stringify_default()({
- deviceNum: this.deviceNumSearch,
- type: this.selectVcalue,
- status: this.selectVoucherStatus,
- name: this.userNameSearch,
- types: "0,1,2,3,4,26"
- })
- };
- Object(api["d" /* httpGet */])(data, this.$api.getCertificates).then(function (res) {
- var dataOne = util["a" /* default */].zlib_unzip(res.data);
- dataOne.map(function (li) {
- li.createAt = _this5.time(+new Date(li.createAt));
- li.userTelephone = JSON.parse(li.content).userTelephone;
- // var cardli = this.cardList.filter((item) => item.id == li.cardId)
- // if (cardli.length == 0) {
- // li['cardName'] = ''
- // } else {
- // li['cardName'] = cardli[0].name
- // }
- li['pzname'] = JSON.parse(li.content).pzname;
- li['statusText'] = util["a" /* default */].statusCode(li.status);
- li['startTimeText'] = util["a" /* default */].formatTime(li.startTime);
- li['endTimeText'] = util["a" /* default */].formatTime(li.endTime);
- li.roomName = JSON.parse(li.content).roomName || "";
- if (li.type == 36) {
- li['deviceNum'] = JSON.parse(li.content).deviceNum;
- }
- });
- _this5.tableData = dataOne;
- _this5.total = res.data.total;
- });
- },
- handleSizeChange: function handleSizeChange(val) {
- this.pageSize = val;
- this.$refs.pagination.internalCurrentPage = 1;
- this.getlistNum(0, val);
- },
- handleCurrentChange: function handleCurrentChange(val) {
- this.getlistNum(val, 10);
- },
- getlistNum: function getlistNum(val, size) {
- var _this6 = this;
- var data = {};
- if (this.deviceNumSearch == "") {
- data = {
- pageNum: val,
- pageSize: size,
- orderBy: "create_at desc",
- q: stringify_default()({
- type: this.selectVcalue,
- status: this.selectVoucherStatus
- })
- };
- } else {
- data = {
- pageNum: val,
- pageSize: size,
- q: stringify_default()({
- deviceNum: this.deviceNumSearch,
- type: this.selectVcalue,
- status: this.selectVoucherStatus,
- name: this.userNameSearch,
- types: "0,1,2,3,4,26"
- }),
- orderBy: "create_at desc"
- };
- }
- Object(api["d" /* httpGet */])(data, this.$api.getCertificates).then(function (res) {
- var dataOne = util["a" /* default */].zlib_unzip(res.data);
- dataOne.map(function (li) {
- li.createAt = _this6.time(+new Date(li.createAt));
- li.userTelephone = JSON.parse(li.content).userTelephone;
- // var cardli = this.cardList.filter((item) => item.id == li.cardId)
- // if (cardli.length == 0) {
- // li['cardName'] = ''
- // } else {
- // li['cardName'] = cardli[0].name
- // }
- li['pzname'] = JSON.parse(li.content).pzname;
- li['statusText'] = util["a" /* default */].statusCode(li.status);
- li['startTimeText'] = util["a" /* default */].formatTime(li.startTime);
- li['endTimeText'] = util["a" /* default */].formatTime(li.endTime);
- li.roomName = JSON.parse(li.content).roomName || "";
- if (li.type == 36) {
- li['deviceNum'] = JSON.parse(li.content).deviceNum;
- }
- });
- _this6.tableData = dataOne;
- _this6.total = res.data.total;
- });
- },
- handleSelectionChange: function handleSelectionChange(val) {
- this.multipleSelection = val;
- },
- // 编辑操作
- handleEdit: function handleEdit(index, row) {
- this.row = row;
- this.index = index;
- this.startdate = row.startTime;
- this.enddate = row.endTime;
- this.editVisiblelist = true;
- },
- // 保存编辑
- saveEdit: function saveEdit() {
- var _this7 = this;
- if (this.form.password == this.form.password1 && this.startdate != "" && this.enddate != "") {
- var data = {
- id: this.row.id,
- content: stringify_default()({
- password: this.form.password
- }),
- startTime: Number(this.startdate),
- endTime: Number(this.enddate)
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(data, this.$api.updateCertificates).then(function (res) {
- _this7.$message.success("修改成功");
- _this7.editVisiblelist = false;
- });
- } else {
- this.$message.error("两次密码输入不一致!");
- }
- },
- alldelete: function alldelete() {
- var _this8 = this;
- var that = this;
- // 二次确认删除
- if (this.multipleSelection.length == 0) {
- this.$message.error("请选择删除数据!");
- return false;
- } else {
- this.$confirm("确定要删除吗?", "提示", {
- type: "warning"
- }).then(function () {
- _this8.multipleSelection.map(function (row) {
- Object(utils["a" /* backDevice */])(row, function (data1) {
- console.log(data1);
- if (data1.data.list.length > 0) {
- if (data1.data.list[0].manufactureId == 201 || data1.data.list[0].manufactureId == 221) {
- Object(utils["e" /* deleteZgVoucher */])(row, function (data) {
- if (data.success) {
- that.deleteall(row);
- } else {
- that.$confirm('是否删除平台凭证!', data.msg, {
- type: "warning"
- }).then(function () {
- that.deleteall(row);
- });
- }
- });
- } else if (data1.data.list[0].manufactureId == 101) {
- var str = {};
- if (row.type == 1) {
- this.getfiId(row, function (data) {
- if (data.length > 0) {
- var fpid = "";
- if (data[0].face) {
- fpid = data[0].face.toString(16);
- if (fpid.length != 2) {
- fpid = "0" + fpid;
- }
- } else {
- if (data[0].face == 0) {
- fpid = data[0].face.toString(16);
- fpid = "0" + fpid;
- }
- }
- str = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- operateMode: 18,
- order: 6218,
- password: fpid,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- is: false,
- passwordStartTime: JSON.parse(row.content).passwordStartTime,
- passwordEndTime: JSON.parse(row.content).passwordEndTime
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(str, that.$api.getDeviceOperateUserInfo).then(function (res1) {
- if (res1.success) {
- that.deleteall(row);
- } else {
- that.$message.error('删除失败');
- }
- });
- } else {
- that.$message.error("该凭还未下发");
- }
- });
- return false;
- } else if (row.type == 2) {
- str = {
- cardId: row.cardId,
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- operateMode: 13,
- order: 6213,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- passwordStartTime: "20210813010101",
- passwordEndTime: "20680813010101",
- is: false
- };
- } else if (row.type == 3) {
- str = {
- cardId: row.cardId,
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- operateMode: 12,
- order: 6212,
- is: false,
- passwordStartTime: "20210813010101",
- passwordEndTime: "20680813010101"
- };
- } else if (row.type == 4) {
- str = {
- cardId: row.cardId,
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- operateMode: 9,
- order: 6209,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- is: false,
- passwordStartTime: "20210813010101",
- passwordEndTime: "20680813010101"
- };
- }
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(str, that.$api.getDeviceOperateUserInfo).then(function (res1) {
- if (res1.success) {
- that.deleteall(row);
- } else {
- that.$message.error('删除失败');
- }
- });
- }
- } else {
- that.deleteall(row);
- }
- });
- });
- });
- }
- },
- deleteall: function deleteall(row) {
- var _this9 = this;
- var ids = [];
- // this.multipleSelection.map((row) => {
- ids.push(row.id);
- // if (ids.length == this.multipleSelection.length) {
- var data = {
- ids: ids
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(data, this.$api.deleteCertificates).then(function (res) {
- if (res.success) {
- _this9.getcertificate();
- _this9.$message.success("删除成功!");
- } else {
- _this9.$message.error('平台删除失败');
- }
- });
- // }
- // });
- },
- // 获取指纹id
- getfiId: function getfiId(row, callback) {
- var content = JSON.parse(row.content);
- var data = {
- q: stringify_default()({
- fpTimeId: content.fpTimeId
- }),
- pageNum: 1,
- pageSize: 10
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(data, this.$api.getDeviceResult).then(function (res) {
- var datalist = util["a" /* default */].zlib_unzip(res.data);
- callback(datalist);
- });
- },
- // 删除操作
- handleDelete: function handleDelete(index, row) {
- var that = this;
- // 二次确认删除
- this.$confirm("确定要删除吗?", "提示", {
- type: "warning"
- }).then(function () {
- Object(utils["a" /* backDevice */])(row, function (data1) {
- var _this10 = this;
- if (data1.data.list[0].manufactureId == 201 || data1.data.list[0].manufactureId == 221) {
- Object(utils["e" /* deleteZgVoucher */])(row, function (data) {
- if (data.success) {
- that.deleteall(row);
- } else {
- that.$confirm('是否删除平台凭证!', data.msg, {
- type: "warning"
- }).then(function () {
- that.deleteall(row);
- });
- }
- });
- } else if (data1.data.list[0].manufactureId == 101) {
- var str = {};
- if (row.type == 1) {
- this.getfiId(row, function (data) {
- if (data.length > 0) {
- var fpid = "";
- if (data[0].face) {
- fpid = data[0].face.toString(16);
- if (fpid.length != 2) {
- fpid = "0" + fpid;
- }
- } else {
- if (data[0].face == 0) {
- fpid = data[0].face.toString(16);
- fpid = "0" + fpid;
- }
- }
- str = {
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- operateMode: 18,
- order: 6218,
- password: fpid,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- is: false,
- passwordStartTime: JSON.parse(row.content).passwordStartTime,
- passwordEndTime: JSON.parse(row.content).passwordEndTime
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(str, that.$api.getDeviceOperateUserInfo).then(function (res1) {
- if (res1.success) {
- that.deleteall(row);
- } else {
- that.$message.error('删除失败');
- }
- });
- } else {
- that.$message.error("该凭还未下发");
- }
- });
- return false;
- } else if (row.type == 2) {
- str = {
- cardId: row.cardId,
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- operateMode: 13,
- order: 6213,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- passwordStartTime: "20210813010101",
- passwordEndTime: "20680813010101",
- is: false
- };
- } else if (row.type == 3) {
- str = {
- cardId: row.cardId,
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- operateMode: 12,
- order: 6212,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- is: false,
- passwordStartTime: "20210813010101",
- passwordEndTime: "20680813010101"
- };
- } else if (row.type == 4) {
- str = {
- cardId: row.cardId,
- imei: row.imei,
- deviceNum: row.deviceNum,
- userTelephone: JSON.parse(row.content).userTelephone,
- operateMode: 9,
- order: 6209,
- userPassword: JSON.parse(row.content).userPassword,
- password: JSON.parse(row.content).password,
- is: false,
- passwordStartTime: "20210813010101",
- passwordEndTime: "20680813010101"
- };
- }
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(str, this.$api.getDeviceOperateUserInfo).then(function (res1) {
- if (res1.success) {
- var data = {
- ids: [row.id]
- };
- Object(api["g" /* httpPost */])(data, _this10.$api.deleteCertificates).then(function (res) {
- if (res.success) {
- _this10.$message.success("删除成功!");
- _this10.getcertificate();
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }).catch(function () {
- // this.$message.error("删除失败");
- });
- // .finally(() => {
- // var data = {
- // ids: [row.id],
- // };
- // httpPost(data, this.$api.deleteCertificates).then((res) => {
- // if (res.success) {
- // this.$message.success("删除成功!");
- // this.getcertificate();
- // }
- // });
- // });
- }
- }
- });
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- var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',[_c('el-card',{staticClass:"box-card"},[_c('div',{staticClass:"operation"},[_c('selectoption'),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-input',{staticClass:"handle-input mr10",attrs:{"placeholder":"设备号","size":"small","clearable":true},model:{value:(_vm.deviceNumSearch),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.deviceNumSearch=$$v},expression:"deviceNumSearch"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-input',{staticClass:"handle-input mr10",attrs:{"placeholder":"用户名称","size":"small","clearable":true},model:{value:(_vm.userNameSearch),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.userNameSearch=$$v},expression:"userNameSearch"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-select',{attrs:{"size":"small","placeholder":"请选择凭证类型","clearable":true},model:{value:(_vm.selectVcalue),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.selectVcalue=$$v},expression:"selectVcalue"}},_vm._l((_vm.options),function(item){return _c('el-option',{key:item.value,attrs:{"label":item.label,"value":item.value}})}),1),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-select',{attrs:{"size":"small","placeholder":"请选择凭证状态","clearable":""},model:{value:(_vm.selectVoucherStatus),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.selectVoucherStatus=$$v},expression:"selectVoucherStatus"}},_vm._l((_vm.voucherStatusList),function(item){return _c('el-option',{key:item.value,attrs:{"label":item.label,"value":item.value}})}),1),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-button',{attrs:{"type":"primary","size":"small"},on:{"click":_vm.serach}},[_vm._v("搜索")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-button',{attrs:{"type":"primary","size":"small"},on:{"click":_vm.alldelete}},[_vm._v("批量删除")])],1),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table',{ref:"multipleTable",staticClass:"table",attrs:{"data":_vm.tableData,"border":"","height":"700","header-cell-class-name":"table-header"},on:{"selection-change":_vm.handleSelectionChange}},[_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"type":"selection","width":"55","align":"center"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"prop":"deviceNum","label":"设备号"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"prop":"roomName","label":"房间名"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"prop":"name","label":"人员名称"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"prop":"pzname","label":"凭证名称"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"label":"类型"},scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:"default",fn:function(scope){return [(scope.row.type == 26)?_c('span',[_vm._v("锁用户")]):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),(scope.row.type == 36)?_c('span',[_vm._v("蓝牙扣")]):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),(scope.row.type == 0)?_c('span',[_vm._v("人脸")]):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),(scope.row.type == 1)?_c('span',[_vm._v("指纹")]):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),(scope.row.type == 2)?_c('span',[_vm._v("身份证")]):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),(scope.row.type == 3)?_c('span',[_vm._v("NFC")]):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),(scope.row.type == 4)?_c('span',[_vm._v("密码")]):_vm._e()]}}])}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"prop":"number","width":"400","label":"有效期"},scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:"default",fn:function(scope){return [_c('span',[_vm._v(_vm._s(scope.row.startTimeText)+" - "+_vm._s(scope.row.endTimeText))])]}}])}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"label":"下发状态","prop":"statusText"}}),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-table-column',{attrs:{"prop":"createAt","label":"创建时间"}})],1),_vm._v(" "),_c('div',{staticClass:"pagepg"},[_c('el-pagination',{ref:"pagination",attrs:{"current-page":_vm.currentPage,"page-sizes":[10,30,100,200],"page-size":_vm.pageSize,"layout":"total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper","total":_vm.total},on:{"size-change":_vm.handleSizeChange,"current-change":_vm.handleCurrentChange}})],1),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-dialog',{attrs:{"title":"编辑","visible":_vm.certificatestatus,"width":"30%"},on:{"update:visible":function($event){_vm.certificatestatus=$event}},scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:"footer",fn:function(){return [_c('span',{staticClass:"dialog-footer"},[_c('el-button',{on:{"click":function($event){_vm.certificatestatus = false}}},[_vm._v("取 消")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-button',{attrs:{"type":"primary"},on:{"click":_vm.modifyCraiFun
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- var staticRenderFns = []
- var esExports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns }
- /* harmony default export */ var views_VoucherList = (esExports);
- // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/views/VoucherList.vue
- function injectStyle (ssrContext) {
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- VoucherList,
- views_VoucherList,
- __vue_template_functional__,
- __vue_styles__,
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