- const serial = chrome.serial;
- var showDebugLog = false;
- var SerialConnection = function() {
- this.connectionId = -1;
- this.boundOnReceive = this.onReceive.bind(this);
- this.boundOnReceiveError = this.onReceiveError.bind(this);
- this.onConnect = new MyEvent();
- this.onReceive = new MyEvent();
- this.onError = new MyEvent();
- this.recvBuffer = new Uint8Array(8*1024);
- this.recvView = new DataView(this.recvBuffer.buffer);
- this.recvCursor = 0;
- this.bitrate = 57600;
- };
- SerialConnection.prototype.onConnectComplete = function(connectionInfo) {
- if (!connectionInfo) {
- if (chrome.runtime.lastError != undefined) {
- logln('chrome.serial.connect error: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
- }
- return;
- }
- this.connectionId = connectionInfo.connectionId;
- chrome.serial.onReceive.addListener(this.boundOnReceive);
- chrome.serial.onReceiveError.addListener(this.boundOnReceiveError);
- this.onConnect.dispatch();
- };
- SerialConnection.prototype.onReceive = function(receiveInfo) {
- if (receiveInfo.connectionId !== this.connectionId) {
- return;
- }
- this.recvBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(receiveInfo.data), this.recvCursor);
- this.recvCursor += receiveInfo.data.byteLength;
- //console.log(buf2hex(receiveInfo.data));
- if (this.recvCursor < 6) {
- return;
- }
- this._dispathReceiveData();
- };
- SerialConnection.prototype.clearRecvData = function() {
- this.recvCursor = 0;
- this.recvBuffer.fill(0);
- }
- SerialConnection.prototype._dispathReceiveData = function() {
- var dLen = this.recvView.getUint16(7);
- if (this.recvCursor < dLen + 9) {
- return;
- }
- var dataBuffer = new Uint8Array(dLen + 9);
- dataBuffer.set(this.recvBuffer.subarray(0, dLen + 9));
- if (showDebugLog) {
- logln("recv: " + buf2hex(dataBuffer.buffer));
- }
- var realCrc = calcCRC(dataBuffer, 6, dLen + 7);
- var crc = dataBuffer[dLen+7] * 256 + dataBuffer[dLen+8];
- if (crc != realCrc) {
- logln("invalid crc " + crc + " ,real= " + realCrc);
- }else {
- var packet = new Packet().fromDataBuffer(dataBuffer);
- this.onReceive.dispatch(packet);
- }
- if (this.recvCursor > dLen + 9) {
- dataBuffer = new Uint8Array(this.recvCursor - dLen - 6);
- dataBuffer.set(this.recvBuffer.subarray(dLen + 9, this.recvCursor));
- this.recvBuffer.fill(0);
- this.recvBuffer.set(dataBuffer);
- this.recvCursor -= dLen + 9;
- this._dispathReceiveData();
- }else {
- this.recvCursor = 0;
- this.recvBuffer.fill(0);
- }
- }
- SerialConnection.prototype.onReceiveError = function(errorInfo) {
- if (errorInfo.connectionId === this.connectionId) {
- this.onError.dispatch(errorInfo.error);
- }
- };
- SerialConnection.prototype.update = function(conf, cb) {
- if (!this.connectionId) {return;}
- serial.update(this.connectionId, conf, cb);
- }
- SerialConnection.prototype.connect = function(path, bitrate=57600) {
- this.clearRecvData();
- this.bitrate = bitrate;
- serial.connect(path, { bitrate: this.bitrate },this.onConnectComplete.bind(this))
- };
- SerialConnection.prototype.send = function(packet) {
- if (this.connectionId < 0) {
- throw 'Invalid connection';
- }
- var data = packet.getDataBuffer();
- if (showDebugLog) {
- logln("send: " + buf2hex(data));
- }
- serial.send(this.connectionId, data, function() {});
- };
- SerialConnection.prototype.disconnect = function() {
- if (this.connectionId < 0) {
- throw 'Invalid connection';
- }
- serial.disconnect(this.connectionId, function() {});
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function logln(msg) {
- var buffer = document.querySelector('#buffer');
- buffer.innerHTML += msg + '<br/>';
- var msgEnd = document.querySelector('#msg_end');
- msgEnd.scrollIntoView();
- }
- function log(msg) {
- var buffer = document.querySelector('#buffer');
- buffer.innerHTML += msg;
- var msgEnd = document.querySelector('#msg_end');
- msgEnd.scrollIntoView();
- }
- function buf2hex(buffer) {
- return '0x' + Array.prototype.map.call(new Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('0x00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join(' 0x');
- }
- function calcCRC(buffer, start, end) {
- var crc = 0;
- for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
- crc += buffer[i] & 0xff;
- }
- return crc & 0xffff;
- }
- const PacketTypeCmd = 0x01;
- const PacketTypeData = 0x02;
- const PacketTypeDataEnd = 0x08;
- const PacketTypeCmdResp = 0x07;
- const PacketTypeDataResp = 0x09;
- var Packet = function(data=new Uint8Array([0x35]), dataLen=1, type=PacketTypeCmd) {
- this.dataBuffer = new Uint8Array(512);
- this.dataBuffer.set([0xEF, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]);
- this.type = type;
- this.dataLen = dataLen;
- this.data = data;
- this.result = 0;
- }
- Packet.prototype.setCmd = function(cmd) {
- this.type = PacketTypeCmd;
- this.data = Uint8Array.of(cmd);
- this.dataLen = 1;
- }
- Packet.prototype.getDataBuffer = function () {
- var dataView = new DataView(this.dataBuffer.buffer);
- dataView.setUint8(6, this.type);
- var len = this.dataLen + 2;
- dataView.setUint16(7, len);
- this.dataBuffer.set(this.data, 9);
- var crc = calcCRC(this.dataBuffer, 6, this.dataLen + 9);
- dataView.setUint16(9 + this.dataLen, crc);
- return new Uint8Array(this.dataBuffer.buffer, 0, this.dataLen + 11);
- }
- Packet.prototype.fromDataBuffer = function(buffer) {
- this.dataBuffer.set(buffer);
- var dataView = new DataView(this.dataBuffer.buffer);
- this.type = dataView.getUint8(6);
- var len = dataView.getUint16(7);
- this.dataLen = len - 2;
- this.data = new Uint8Array(buffer.buffer, 9, this.dataLen);
- if (this.type == PacketTypeCmdResp) {
- this.result = this.data[0];
- }
- return this;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var curDevice = null;
- function tryHandshake(device) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
- logln("try handshake with " + device.path);
- var connection = new SerialConnection();
- var isValidDevice = 0;
- device.bitrate = 57600;
- connection.onConnect.addListener(function() {
- logln("device " + device.path + " connected");
- connection.send(new Packet());
- });
- connection.onReceive.addListener(function(packet) {
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeCmdResp && packet.result == 0) {
- isValidDevice = 1;
- connection.disconnect();
- resolve(1)
- }
- });
- connection.connect(device.path, device.bitrate);
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (isValidDevice) {
- }else {
- device.bitrate = 115200;
- connection.update({
- bitrate: device.bitrate
- }, (result) => {
- if (result) {
- connection.send(new Packet());
- setTimeout(() => {
- connection.disconnect();
- if (!isValidDevice) {
- resolve(0);
- }
- }, 500);
- }else {
- connection.disconnect();
- resolve(0);
- }
- })
- }
- }, 500);
- })
- }
- async function checkDevices(devices) {
- for (var device of devices) {
- logln("found device, path = " + device.path);
- var res = await tryHandshake(device);
- if (res) {
- curDevice = device;
- logln("found valid device " + device.path);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var EnrollSchedule = function(device, enrollCount=6, callback=((err=null, step=0, state=0, data=null)=>{}), timeout = 60 * 1000) {
- this.step = 0;
- this.enrollCount = enrollCount;
- this.callback = callback;
- this.device = device;
- this.connection = null;
- this.timeout = timeout;
- this.timeoutFlag = 0;
- this.responseTime = 1000;
- this.responseTimeout = 0;
- this.responseCallback = null;
- this.canceled = false;
- }
- const STATE_FINGER_DOWN = 3;
- const ErrorReceiveDataErr = 1;
- const ErrorEnrollTimeout = 2;
- const ErrorDeviceNotFound = 3;
- const ErrorEmptyFail = 4;
- function printError(err) {
- logln( "enroll err with code: " + err);
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype.start = async function() {
- this.step = 0;
- this.canceled = false;
- try {
- await this._connect();
- if(this.canceled) { return this._disConnect(); }
- var ret = await this._sendAndWaitRecvCmd(0x0d);
- if (ret == 0x11) {
- throw ErrorEmptyFail;
- }
- while(this.step < this.enrollCount) {
- this.step += 1;
- ret = await this._enrollOne(this.step);
- if (ret) {
- if(ret == 0x06) {
- }else if (ret == 0x07) {
- }else if (ret == 0x0a) {
- }
- this.callback(null, this.step, stateErr, null);
- this.step -= 1;
- }
- if(this.canceled) { return this._disConnect(); }
- }
- logln("receive tempalte");
- this.callback(null, this.step, STATE_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE, null);
- var ret = await this._mergeTemplate();
- if(this.canceled) { return this._disConnect(); }
- var recvBuffer = await this._receiveTemplate();
- if(this.canceled) { return this._disConnect(); }
- this.callback(null, this.step, 0, recvBuffer);
- }catch(e) {
- this.callback(e, this.step, 0, null);
- }
- this._disConnect();
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._mergeTemplate = function() {
- return this._sendAndWaitRecvCmd(0x05);
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._receiveTemplate = function() {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var that = this;
- var data = Uint8Array.of(0x08, 0x01);
- var packet = new Packet(data, 2);
- var recvDataLen = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
- var recvData = new Uint8Array(recvDataLen);
- var recvDataCursor = 0;
- var resetTimeoutCheck = function() {
- if (that.responseTimeout) {
- clearTimeout(that.responseTimeout);
- }
- that.responseTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- var dummy = new Packet();
- that.connection.send(dummy);
- that.responseTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- reject(ErrorReceiveDataErr);
- }, that.responseTime);
- }, that.responseTime);
- }
- this.responseCallback = (packet) => {
- resetTimeoutCheck();
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeCmdResp) {
- }else if (packet.type == PacketTypeData || packet.type == PacketTypeDataEnd) {
- if (recvDataCursor + packet.dataLen < recvDataLen) {
- recvData.set(packet.data, recvDataCursor);
- recvDataCursor += packet.dataLen;
- }else {
- if (that.responseTimeout) {
- clearTimeout(that.responseTimeout);
- }
- reject("recv buffer full");
- }
- }
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeDataEnd) {
- if (that.responseTimeout) {
- clearTimeout(that.responseTimeout);
- }
- resolve(recvData.slice(0, recvDataCursor));
- }
- }
- this.connection.send(packet);
- resetTimeoutCheck();
- });
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._sendAndWaitRecvCmd = function(cmd) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
- var packet = new Packet();
- packet.setCmd(cmd);
- this._sendAndWaitRecv(packet).then(packet => {
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeCmdResp) {
- resolve(packet.result);
- }
- }).catch(err => {
- reject(err);
- });
- });
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._enrollOne = async function(step) {
- var down = false;
- var leave = false;
- var isTimeout = false;
- this.timeoutFlag = setTimeout(() => {
- if (!down) {
- isTimeout = true;
- }
- }, this.timeout);
- //wait finger leave
- logln("wait leave")
- this.callback(null, this.step, STATE_WAIT_FINGER_LEAVE, null);
- while (leave == false && !isTimeout) {
- if(this.canceled) { return; }
- leave = !(await this.captureOne());
- }
- this.callback(null, this.step, STATE_FINGER_LEAVE, null);
- if (isTimeout) {
- throw ErrorEnrollTimeout;
- }
- this.callback(null, this.step, STATE_WAIT_FINGER_DOWN, null);
- //wait finger down
- logln("wait down")
- while (!down && !isTimeout) {
- if(this.canceled) { return; }
- down = await this.captureOne();
- }
- if (isTimeout) {
- throw ErrorEnrollTimeout;
- }
- this.callback(null, this.step, STATE_FINGER_DOWN, null);
- logln("finger down step = " + step);
- if(this.canceled) { return; }
- this.callback(null, this.step, STATE_EXTRACT_TEMPLATE, null);
- var ret = await this.extractOne(step);
- if (ret != 0) {
- logln("extract tempate err " + ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype.extractOne = function(step) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
- var data = Uint8Array.of(0x02, step);
- var packet = new Packet(data, 2);
- this._sendAndWaitRecv(packet).then(packet => {
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeCmdResp) {
- resolve(packet.result);
- }
- }).catch(err => {
- reject(err);
- });
- });
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype.captureOne = function() {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var packet = new Packet();
- packet.setCmd(0x01);
- this._sendAndWaitRecv(packet).then(packet => {
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeCmdResp) {
- resolve(packet.result == 0);
- }
- }).catch(err => {
- reject(err);
- });
- });
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._sendAndWaitRecv = function(packet) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var that = this;
- this.responseCallback = (packet) => {
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeCmdResp) {
- if (that.responseTimeout) {
- clearTimeout(that.responseTimeout);
- that.responseTimeout = 0;
- }
- if (packet.result == 0x01) {
- reject(ErrorReceiveDataErr);
- }else {
- resolve(packet);
- }
- }
- }
- this.connection.send(packet);
- this.responseTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- that.connection.send(packet);
- this.responseTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- reject(ErrorReceiveDataErr);
- }, this.responseTime);
- }, this.responseTime);
- });
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._resolvePacket = function(packet) {
- if (this.responseCallback) {
- this.responseCallback(packet);
- }
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._connect = function() {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var that = this;
- this.connection = new SerialConnection();
- this.connection.onConnect.addListener(function() {
- logln("device " + that.device.path + " connected");
- resolve();
- });
- this.connection.onReceive.addListener(function(packet) {
- that._resolvePacket(packet);
- });
- this.connection.connect(this.device.path, this.device.bitrate);
- setTimeout(() => {
- reject("connect timeout");
- }, 500);
- });
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype._disConnect = function() {
- if (this.connection) {
- this.connection.disconnect();
- this.connection = null;
- }
- if (this.responseTimeout) {
- clearTimeout(this.responseTimeout);
- this.responseTimeout = 0;
- }
- if (this.timeoutFlag) {
- clearTimeout(this.timeoutFlag);
- this.timeoutFlag = 0;
- }
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype.stop = function() {
- this.canceled = true;
- }
- var enrollSchedule = null;
- var tempData = null;
- function startEnroll(enrollCount=6, timeout=10*1000, cb) {
- if (!curDevice) {
- logln("device not found");
- cb.call(null, {
- err: ErrorDeviceNotFound
- }, 0, null);
- return;
- }
- enrollSchedule = new EnrollSchedule(curDevice, enrollCount, (err, step, state, data) => {
- if (err) {
- printError(status.err);
- }
- if(cb) {
- cb.call(null, {
- err: err,
- state: state,
- step: step,
- data: data
- });
- }
- if (data) {
- tempData = data;
- }
- }, timeout);
- logln("start enroll");
- enrollSchedule.start();
- }
- function stopEnroll() {
- if (enrollSchedule) {
- enrollSchedule.stop();
- enrollSchedule = null;
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //test
- EnrollSchedule.prototype.sleep = function(time) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- resolve();
- }, time);
- });
- }
- EnrollSchedule.prototype.downloadTemplate = async function(data) {
- var cmdData = Uint8Array.of(0x09, 0x02);
- var packet = new Packet(cmdData, 2);
- this.connection.send(packet);
- await this.sleep(1000);
- var dataLength = data.length;
- var packetLen = 256;
- var sendCursor = 0;
- var sendLen = 0;
- var sendType = PacketTypeData;
- logln("downloading");
- while (sendCursor < dataLength) {
- sendLen = (dataLength-sendCursor > packetLen) ? packetLen : (dataLength-sendCursor);
- sendType = (dataLength-sendCursor > packetLen) ? PacketTypeData : PacketTypeDataEnd;
- var sendData = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, sendCursor, sendLen);
- var dataPack = new Packet(sendData, sendLen, sendType);
- this.connection.send(dataPack);
- console.log("send "+ sendLen)
- log('.');
- sendCursor += sendLen;
- await this.sleep(100);
- }
- cmdData = Uint8Array.of(0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03);
- packet = new Packet(cmdData, 4);
- this.connection.send(packet);
- logln('.');
- await this.sleep(500);
- }
- async function downloadTemplate() {
- if (!curDevice) {
- var err = "device not found";
- logln(err);
- return;
- }
- if (!tempData) {
- var err = "please enroll";
- logln(err);
- return;
- }
- var enroll = new EnrollSchedule(curDevice);
- try {
- await enroll._connect();
- await enroll.downloadTemplate(tempData);
- logln("download complete");
- }catch(err) {
- logln("download err: " + err);
- }
- await enroll._disConnect();
- }
- async function matchTemplate() {
- if (!curDevice) {
- var err = "device not found";
- logln(err);
- return;
- }
- var enroll = new EnrollSchedule(curDevice);
- try {
- await enroll._connect();
- await enroll._enrollOne(1);
- var packData = Uint8Array.of(0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03);
- var packet = new Packet(packData, 6);
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
- enroll._sendAndWaitRecv(packet).then(packet => {
- if (packet.type == PacketTypeCmdResp) {
- if(packet.result) {
- logln("match fail");
- }else {
- logln("match success score " + (packet.data[3] * 256 + packet.data[4]));
- }
- resolve();
- }
- }).catch(err => {
- reject("match err: " + err);
- });
- })
- }catch(err) {
- logln("download err: " + err);
- }
- await enroll._disConnect();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function disableAll() {
- document.querySelector("#enroll").disabled = true;
- document.querySelector("#down").disabled = true;
- document.querySelector("#match").disabled = true;
- document.querySelector("#refresh").disabled = true;
- document.querySelector("#export").disabled = true;
- document.querySelector("#import").disabled = true;
- }
- function enableAll() {
- document.querySelector("#enroll").disabled = false;
- document.querySelector("#down").disabled = false;
- document.querySelector("#match").disabled = false;
- document.querySelector("#refresh").disabled = false;
- document.querySelector("#export").disabled = false;
- document.querySelector("#import").disabled = false;
- }
- var server = null;
- onload = function() {
- document.querySelector('#show-log').checked = showDebugLog;
- document.querySelector('#show-log').onchange = function(e) {
- showDebugLog = e.target.checked;
- }
- document.querySelector('#enroll').onclick = function(e) {
- if (e.currentTarget.innerText == "Enroll") {
- e.currentTarget.innerText = "Stop";
- startEnroll(6, 10* 1000, (status) => {
- console.log(status.step);
- if (status.err) {
- console.log(status.err);
- }
- if (status.err || status.data) {
- document.querySelector('#enroll').innerText = "Enroll";
- }
- if (status.data) {
- // console.log(data);
- // console.log(buf2hex(data.buffer));
- }
- });
- }else {
- e.currentTarget.innerText = "Enroll";
- stopEnroll();
- }
- }
- document.querySelector('.msg').style="height:" + (window.innerHeight - 70) + "px";
- chrome.serial.getDevices((devices) => {
- checkDevices(devices);
- });
- document.querySelector("#down").onclick = async function(e) {
- disableAll();
- try {
- await downloadTemplate();
- }catch(err) {
- logln("download err: " + err);
- }
- enableAll();
- }
- document.querySelector("#match").onclick = async function(e) {
- disableAll();
- try {
- await matchTemplate();
- }catch(err) {
- logln("match err: " + err);
- }
- enableAll();
- }
- document.querySelector("#refresh").onclick = function(e) {
- disableAll();
- chrome.serial.getDevices(async function(devices) {
- try {
- await checkDevices(devices);
- }catch (e) {
- console.log(e)
- }
- enableAll();
- });
- }
- document.querySelector("#export").onclick = function(e) {
- if (!tempData) {
- logln("please enroll");
- return;
- }
- let reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function(eve) {
- if (eve.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE)
- {
- let a = document.createElement('a');
- a.download = "mafp_template.bin";
- a.href = this.result;
- a.click();
- }
- }
- reader.readAsDataURL(new Blob([tempData]));
- }
- document.querySelector("#import").onclick = function(e) {
- let fileInput = document.querySelector("#import-file");
- fileInput.value = "";
- fileInput.click();
- }
- document.querySelector("#import-file").onchange = function(e) {
- let files = e.target.files;
- if (files && files.length) {
- let reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = async function(ev) {
- if (ev.total == 4096) {
- tempData = new Uint8Array(this.result);
- disableAll();
- try {
- await downloadTemplate();
- }catch(err) {
- logln("download err: " + err);
- }
- enableAll();
- }else {
- logln("invalid file length " + ev.total);
- }
- }
- reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files[0]);
- }
- }
- const port = 9897;
- if (http.Server && http.WebSocketServer) {
- server = new http.Server();
- var wsServer = new http.WebSocketServer(server);
- server.listen(port);
- logln("ws socket server listen at " + port);
- var connectedSocket = null;
- wsServer.addEventListener('request', function(req) {
- if (connectedSocket) {
- req.reject();
- return;
- }
- console.log('Client connected');
- var socket = req.accept();
- connectedSocket = socket;
- socket.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
- var reqData = JSON.parse(e.data);
- if (reqData.cmd == "enrollStart") {
- startEnroll(reqData.config.enrollCount,
- reqData.config.enrollTimeout,
- (status) =>{
- var resp = {
- err: status.err ? status.err : "",
- state: status.state ? status.state : 0,
- step: status.step
- }
- if (status.data) {
- resp.data = Array.from(status.data);
- }
- connectedSocket.send(JSON.stringify(resp));
- });
- }else if (reqData.cmd == "enrollCancel") {
- stopEnroll();
- }
- });
- socket.addEventListener('close', function() {
- connectedSocket = null;
- stopEnroll();
- console.log('Client disconnected');
- if (chrome.runtime.lastError != undefined) {
- console.log(chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
- }
- });
- return true;
- });
- }
- };
- onresize = function(e) {
- document.querySelector('.msg').style="height:" + (e.currentTarget.innerHeight - 70) + "px";
- document.querySelector('#msg_end').scrollIntoView();
- }